Ian Freeman, co-animateur de Free Talk Live, reconnu coupable dans un procès fédéral sur la crypto

After close to two years, following the U.S. federal government accusing the Crypto Six of unlicensed money transmission, the case is seemingly coming to an end. According to multiple reports, Keene resident and libertarian activist, Ian Freeman, the last member of

Le censeur des médias russe Roskomnadzor bloque un important site Web d'informations sur la cryptographie

Bits.media, a leading news outlet in Russia’s espace crypto, has been blocked by Russias telecom and mass media watchdog, Roskomnadzor. The site is now inaccessible through most Russian internet providers, the online edition announced, stating it intends to contest the measure….

Appel du verdict du procès Bitcoin d'un milliard de dollars - L'inventeur autoproclamé de Bitcoin s'attend à une victoire

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all